Installation Guide


Assuming you have pip installed:

$ pip install klink

That’s it.


In your docs’ file, add the following:

import klink

html_theme = 'klink'
html_theme_path = [klink.get_html_theme_path()]
html_theme_options = {
    'github': 'yourname/yourrepo',
    'analytics_id': 'UA-your-number-here',
    'logo': 'logo.png'

Klink also comes with a useful helper function that allows you to integrate an IPython Notebook into a .rst file. It basically converts the Notebook to .rst and copies the static data (images, etc) to your _static dir.

If you have IPython Notebooks that you would like to integrate, use the following code to your


Once the conversion is done, you will have a .rst file with the same name as each one of your notebooks.


Place your notebooks in your docs’ source dir. Do not give them the same name as another reST file as this file will be overwriiten when you call klink.convert_notebooks.

Now all you have to do is use the include command to insert them into your docs.


Obviously, some of you will want to customize the theme. The easiest way to achieve this is to clone the repo into your _themes folder (create it if it does not exist in your docs’ source dir). To change the style, I recommend editing the LESS files themselves. You will also need lessc to convert from less to css. See the css command in the Makefile for an example.

You may also want to explore the option of using git subtree. Here is a good intro tutorial.

You will also need to change your file. The following settings should work:

html_theme = 'klink'
html_theme_path ['_themes']
html_theme_options = {
    'github': 'yourname/yourrepo',
    'analytics_id': 'UA-your-number-here',
    'logo': 'logo.png'