Source code for bt.algos

A collection of Algos used to create Strategy logic.
from __future__ import division

import abc
import random
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.covariance

import bt
from bt.core import Algo, AlgoStack, SecurityBase, is_zero

[docs]def run_always(f): """ Run always decorator to be used with Algo to ensure stack runs the decorated Algo on each pass, regardless of failures in the stack. """ f.run_always = True return f
[docs]class PrintDate(Algo): """ This Algo simply print's the current date. Can be useful for debugging purposes. """ def __call__(self, target): print( return True
[docs]class PrintTempData(Algo): """ This Algo prints the temp data. Useful for debugging. Args: * fmt_string (str): A string that will later be formatted with the target's temp dict. Therefore, you should provide what you want to examine within curly braces ( { } ) """ def __init__(self, fmt_string=None): super(PrintTempData, self).__init__() self.fmt_string = fmt_string def __call__(self, target): if self.fmt_string: print(self.fmt_string.format(**target.temp)) else: print(target.temp) return True
[docs]class PrintInfo(Algo): """ Prints out info associated with the target strategy. Useful for debugging purposes. Args: * fmt_string (str): A string that will later be formatted with the target object's __dict__ attribute. Therefore, you should provide what you want to examine within curly braces ( { } ) Ex: PrintInfo('Strategy {name} : {now}') This will print out the name and the date (now) on each call. Basically, you provide a string that will be formatted with target.__dict__ """ def __init__(self, fmt_string="{name} {now}"): super(PrintInfo, self).__init__() self.fmt_string = fmt_string def __call__(self, target): print(self.fmt_string.format(**target.__dict__)) return True
[docs]class Debug(Algo): """ Utility Algo that calls pdb.set_trace when triggered. In the debug session, 'target' is available and can be examined through the StrategyBase interface. """ def __call__(self, target): import pdb pdb.set_trace() return True
[docs]class RunOnce(Algo): """ Returns True on first run then returns False. Args: * run_on_first_call: bool which determines if it runs the first time the algo is called As the name says, the algo only runs once. Useful in situations where we want to run the logic once (buy and hold for example). """ def __init__(self): super(RunOnce, self).__init__() self.has_run = False def __call__(self, target): # if it hasn't run then we will # run it and set flag if not self.has_run: self.has_run = True return True # return false to stop future execution return False
[docs]class RunPeriod(Algo): def __init__( self, run_on_first_date=True, run_on_end_of_period=False, run_on_last_date=False ): super(RunPeriod, self).__init__() self._run_on_first_date = run_on_first_date self._run_on_end_of_period = run_on_end_of_period self._run_on_last_date = run_on_last_date def __call__(self, target): # get last date now = # if none nothing to do - return false if now is None: return False # not a known date in our universe if now not in return False # get index of the current date index = result = False # index 0 is a date added by the Backtest Constructor if index == 0: return False # first date if index == 1: if self._run_on_first_date: result = True # last date elif index == (len( - 1): if self._run_on_last_date: result = True else: # create pandas.Timestamp for useful .week,.quarter properties now = pd.Timestamp(now) index_offset = -1 if self._run_on_end_of_period: index_offset = 1 date_to_compare =[index + index_offset] date_to_compare = pd.Timestamp(date_to_compare) result = self.compare_dates(now, date_to_compare) return result
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): raise (NotImplementedError("RunPeriod Algo is an abstract class!"))
[docs]class RunDaily(RunPeriod): """ Returns True on day change. Args: * run_on_first_date (bool): determines if it runs the first time the algo is called * run_on_end_of_period (bool): determines if it should run at the end of the period or the beginning * run_on_last_date (bool): determines if it runs on the last time the algo is called Returns True if the's day has changed compared to the last(or next if run_on_end_of_period) date, if not returns False. Useful for daily rebalancing strategies. """
[docs] def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): if != return True return False
[docs]class RunWeekly(RunPeriod): """ Returns True on week change. Args: * run_on_first_date (bool): determines if it runs the first time the algo is called * run_on_end_of_period (bool): determines if it should run at the end of the period or the beginning * run_on_last_date (bool): determines if it runs on the last time the algo is called Returns True if the's week has changed since relative to the last(or next) date, if not returns False. Useful for weekly rebalancing strategies. """
[docs] def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): if now.year != date_to_compare.year or now.week != date_to_compare.week: return True return False
[docs]class RunMonthly(RunPeriod): """ Returns True on month change. Args: * run_on_first_date (bool): determines if it runs the first time the algo is called * run_on_end_of_period (bool): determines if it should run at the end of the period or the beginning * run_on_last_date (bool): determines if it runs on the last time the algo is called Returns True if the's month has changed since relative to the last(or next) date, if not returns False. Useful for monthly rebalancing strategies. """
[docs] def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): if now.year != date_to_compare.year or now.month != date_to_compare.month: return True return False
[docs]class RunQuarterly(RunPeriod): """ Returns True on quarter change. Args: * run_on_first_date (bool): determines if it runs the first time the algo is called * run_on_end_of_period (bool): determines if it should run at the end of the period or the beginning * run_on_last_date (bool): determines if it runs on the last time the algo is called Returns True if the's quarter has changed since relative to the last(or next) date, if not returns False. Useful for quarterly rebalancing strategies. """
[docs] def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): if now.year != date_to_compare.year or now.quarter != date_to_compare.quarter: return True return False
[docs]class RunYearly(RunPeriod): """ Returns True on year change. Args: * run_on_first_date (bool): determines if it runs the first time the algo is called * run_on_end_of_period (bool): determines if it should run at the end of the period or the beginning * run_on_last_date (bool): determines if it runs on the last time the algo is called Returns True if the's year has changed since relative to the last(or next) date, if not returns False. Useful for yearly rebalancing strategies. """
[docs] def compare_dates(self, now, date_to_compare): if now.year != date_to_compare.year: return True return False
[docs]class RunOnDate(Algo): """ Returns True on a specific set of dates. Args: * dates (list): List of dates to run Algo on. """ def __init__(self, *dates): """ Args: * dates (*args): A list of dates. Dates will be parsed by pandas.to_datetime so pass anything that it can parse. Typically, you will pass a string 'yyyy-mm-dd'. """ super(RunOnDate, self).__init__() # parse dates and save self.dates = [pd.to_datetime(d) for d in dates] def __call__(self, target): return in self.dates
[docs]class RunAfterDate(Algo): """ Returns True after a date has passed Args: * date: Date after which to start trading Note: This is useful for algos that rely on trailing averages where you don't want to start trading until some amount of data has been built up """ def __init__(self, date): """ Args: * date: Date after which to start trading """ super(RunAfterDate, self).__init__() # parse dates and save = pd.to_datetime(date) def __call__(self, target): return >
[docs]class RunAfterDays(Algo): """ Returns True after a specific number of 'warmup' trading days have passed Args: * days (int): Number of trading days to wait before starting Note: This is useful for algos that rely on trailing averages where you don't want to start trading until some amount of data has been built up """ def __init__(self, days): """ Args: * days (int): Number of trading days to wait before starting """ super(RunAfterDays, self).__init__() self.days = days def __call__(self, target): if self.days > 0: self.days -= 1 return False return True
[docs]class RunIfOutOfBounds(Algo): """ This algo returns true if any of the target weights deviate by an amount greater than tolerance. For example, it will be run if the tolerance is set to 0.5 and a security grows from a target weight of 0.2 to greater than 0.3. A strategy where rebalancing is performed quarterly or whenever any security's weight deviates by more than 20% could be implemented by: Or([runQuarterlyAlgo,runIfOutOfBoundsAlgo(0.2)]) Args: * tolerance (float): Allowed deviation of each security weight. Requires: * Weights """ def __init__(self, tolerance): self.tolerance = float(tolerance) super(RunIfOutOfBounds, self).__init__() def __call__(self, target): if "weights" not in target.temp: return True targets = target.temp["weights"] for cname in target.children: if cname in targets: c = target.children[cname] deviation = abs((c.weight - targets[cname]) / targets[cname]) if deviation > self.tolerance: return True if "cash" in target.temp: cash_deviation = abs( ( - targets.value) / targets.value - target.temp["cash"] ) if cash_deviation > self.tolerance: return True return False
[docs]class RunEveryNPeriods(Algo): """ This algo runs every n periods. Args: * n (int): Run each n periods * offset (int): Applies to the first run. If 0, this algo will run the first time it is called. This Algo can be useful for the following type of strategy: Each month, select the top 5 performers. Hold them for 3 months. You could then create 3 strategies with different offsets and create a master strategy that would allocate equal amounts of capital to each. """ def __init__(self, n, offset=0): super(RunEveryNPeriods, self).__init__() self.n = n self.offset = offset self.idx = n - offset - 1 self.lcall = 0 def __call__(self, target): # ignore multiple calls on same period if self.lcall == return False else: self.lcall = # run when idx == (n-1) if self.idx == (self.n - 1): self.idx = 0 return True else: self.idx += 1 return False
[docs]class SelectAll(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] with all securities (based on universe). Selects all the securities and saves them in temp['selected']. By default, SelectAll does not include securities that have no data (nan) on current date or those whose price is zero or negative. Args: * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Sets: * selected """ def __init__(self, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False): super(SelectAll, self).__init__() self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): if self.include_no_data: target.temp["selected"] = target.universe.columns else: universe = target.universe.loc[].dropna() if self.include_negative: target.temp["selected"] = list(universe.index) else: target.temp["selected"] = list(universe[universe > 0].index) return True
[docs]class SelectThese(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] with a set list of tickers. Args: * ticker (list): List of tickers to select. * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Sets: * selected """ def __init__(self, tickers, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False): super(SelectThese, self).__init__() self.tickers = tickers self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): if self.include_no_data: target.temp["selected"] = self.tickers else: universe = target.universe.loc[, self.tickers].dropna() if self.include_negative: target.temp["selected"] = list(universe.index) else: target.temp["selected"] = list(universe[universe > 0].index) return True
[docs]class SelectHasData(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on all items in universe that meet data requirements. This is a more advanced version of SelectAll. Useful for selecting tickers that need a certain amount of data for future algos to run properly. For example, if we need the items with 3 months of data or more, we could use this Algo with a lookback period of 3 months. When providing a lookback period, it is also wise to provide a min_count. This is basically the number of data points needed within the lookback period for a series to be considered valid. For example, in our 3 month lookback above, we might want to specify the min_count as being 57 -> a typical trading month has give or take 20 trading days. If we factor in some holidays, we can use 57 or 58. It's really up to you. If you don't specify min_count, min_count will default to ffn's get_num_days_required. Args: * lookback (DateOffset): A DateOffset that determines the lookback period. * min_count (int): Minimum number of days required for a series to be considered valid. If not provided, ffn's get_num_days_required is used to estimate the number of points required. * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Sets: * selected """ def __init__( self, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), min_count=None, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False, ): super(SelectHasData, self).__init__() self.lookback = lookback if min_count is None: min_count = bt.ffn.get_num_days_required(lookback) self.min_count = min_count self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): if "selected" in target.temp: selected = target.temp["selected"] else: selected = target.universe.columns filt = target.universe.loc[ - self.lookback :, selected] cnt = filt.count() cnt = cnt[cnt >= self.min_count] if not self.include_no_data: cnt = cnt[~target.universe.loc[, selected].isnull()] if not self.include_negative: cnt = cnt[target.universe.loc[, selected] > 0] target.temp["selected"] = list(cnt.index) return True
[docs]class SelectN(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on ranking temp['stat']. Selects the top or botton N items based on temp['stat']. This is usually some kind of metric that will be computed in a previous Algo and will be used for ranking purposes. Can select top or bottom N based on sort_descending parameter. Args: * n (int): select top n items. * sort_descending (bool): Should the stat be sorted in descending order before selecting the first n items? * all_or_none (bool): If true, only populates temp['selected'] if we have n items. If we have less than n, then temp['selected'] = []. * filter_selected (bool): If True, will only select from the existing 'selected' list. Sets: * selected Requires: * stat """ def __init__( self, n, sort_descending=True, all_or_none=False, filter_selected=False ): super(SelectN, self).__init__() if n < 0: raise ValueError("n cannot be negative") self.n = n self.ascending = not sort_descending self.all_or_none = all_or_none self.filter_selected = filter_selected def __call__(self, target): stat = target.temp["stat"].dropna() if self.filter_selected and "selected" in target.temp: stat = stat.loc[stat.index.intersection(target.temp["selected"])] stat.sort_values(ascending=self.ascending, inplace=True) # handle percent n keep_n = self.n if self.n < 1: keep_n = int(self.n * len(stat)) sel = list(stat[:keep_n].index) if self.all_or_none and len(sel) < keep_n: sel = [] target.temp["selected"] = sel return True
[docs]class SelectMomentum(AlgoStack): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on a simple momentum filter. Selects the top n securities based on the total return over a given lookback period. This is just a wrapper around an AlgoStack with two algos: StatTotalReturn and SelectN. Note, that SelectAll() or similar should be called before SelectMomentum(), as StatTotalReturn uses values of temp['selected'] Args: * n (int): select first N elements * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for total return calculation * lag (DateOffset): Lag interval for total return calculation * sort_descending (bool): Sort descending (highest return is best) * all_or_none (bool): If true, only populates temp['selected'] if we have n items. If we have less than n, then temp['selected'] = []. Sets: * selected Requires: * selected """ def __init__( self, n, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0), sort_descending=True, all_or_none=False, ): super(SelectMomentum, self).__init__( StatTotalReturn(lookback=lookback, lag=lag), SelectN(n=n, sort_descending=sort_descending, all_or_none=all_or_none), )
[docs]class SelectWhere(Algo): """ Selects securities based on an indicator DataFrame. Selects securities where the value is True on the current date ( only if current date is present in signal DataFrame. For example, this could be the result of a pandas boolean comparison such as data > 100. Args: * signal (str|DataFrame): Boolean DataFrame containing selection logic. If a string is passed, frame is accessed using target.get_data This is the preferred way of using the algo. * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Sets: * selected """ def __init__(self, signal, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False): super(SelectWhere, self).__init__() if isinstance(signal, pd.DataFrame): self.signal_name = None self.signal = signal else: self.signal_name = signal self.signal = None self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): # get signal Series at if self.signal_name is None: signal = self.signal else: signal = target.get_data(self.signal_name) if in signal.index: sig = signal.loc[] # get tickers where True # selected = sig.index[sig] selected = sig[sig == True].index # noqa: E712 # save as list if not self.include_no_data: universe = target.universe.loc[, list(selected)].dropna() if self.include_negative: selected = list(universe.index) else: selected = list(universe[universe > 0].index) target.temp["selected"] = list(selected) return True
[docs]class SelectRandomly(AlgoStack): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on a random subset of the items currently in temp['selected']. Selects n random elements from the list stored in temp['selected']. This is useful for benchmarking against a strategy where we believe the selection algorithm is adding value. For example, if we are testing a momentum strategy and we want to see if selecting securities based on momentum is better than just selecting securities randomly, we could use this Algo to create a random Strategy used for random benchmarking. Note: Another selection algorithm should be use prior to this Algo to populate temp['selected']. This will typically be SelectAll. Args: * n (int): Select N elements randomly. * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Sets: * selected Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, n=None, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False): super(SelectRandomly, self).__init__() self.n = n self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): if "selected" in target.temp: sel = target.temp["selected"] else: sel = list(target.universe.columns) if not self.include_no_data: universe = target.universe.loc[, sel].dropna() if self.include_negative: sel = list(universe.index) else: sel = list(universe[universe > 0].index) if self.n is not None: n = self.n if self.n < len(sel) else len(sel) sel = random.sample(sel, int(n)) target.temp["selected"] = sel return True
[docs]class SelectRegex(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on a regex on their names. Useful when working with a large universe of different kinds of securities Args: * regex (str): regular expression on the name Sets: * selected Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, regex): super(SelectRegex, self).__init__() self.regex = re.compile(regex) def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] selected = [s for s in selected if] target.temp["selected"] = selected return True
[docs]class ResolveOnTheRun(Algo): """ Looks at securities set in temp['selected'] and searches for names that match the names of "aliases" for on-the-run securities in the provided data. Then replaces the alias with the name of the underlying security appropriate for the given date, and sets it back on temp['selected'] Args: * on_the_run (str): Name of a Data frame with - columns set to "on the run" ticker names - index set to the timeline for the backtest - values are the actual security name to use for the given date * include_no_data (bool): Include securities that do not have data? * include_negative (bool): Include securities that have negative or zero prices? Requires: * selected Sets: * selected """ def __init__(self, on_the_run, include_no_data=False, include_negative=False): super(ResolveOnTheRun, self).__init__() self.on_the_run = on_the_run self.include_no_data = include_no_data self.include_negative = include_negative def __call__(self, target): # Resolve real tickers based on OTR on_the_run = target.get_data(self.on_the_run) selected = target.temp["selected"] aliases = [s for s in selected if s in on_the_run.columns] resolved = on_the_run.loc[, aliases].tolist() if not self.include_no_data: universe = target.universe.loc[, resolved].dropna() if self.include_negative: resolved = list(universe.index) else: resolved = list(universe[universe > 0].index) target.temp["selected"] = resolved + [ s for s in selected if s not in on_the_run.columns ] return True
[docs]class SetStat(Algo): """ Sets temp['stat'] for use by downstream algos (such as SelectN). Args: * stat (str|DataFrame): A dataframe of the same dimension as target.universe If a string is passed, frame is accessed using target.get_data This is the preferred way of using the algo. Sets: * stat """ def __init__(self, stat): if isinstance(stat, pd.DataFrame): self.stat_name = None self.stat = stat else: self.stat_name = stat self.stat = None def __call__(self, target): if self.stat_name is None: stat = self.stat else: stat = target.get_data(self.stat_name) target.temp["stat"] = stat.loc[] return True
[docs]class StatTotalReturn(Algo): """ Sets temp['stat'] with total returns over a given period. Sets the 'stat' based on the total return of each element in temp['selected'] over a given lookback period. The total return is determined by ffn's calc_total_return. Args: * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period. * lag (DateOffset): Lag interval. Total return is calculated in the inteval [now - lookback - lag, now - lag] Sets: * stat Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0)): super(StatTotalReturn, self).__init__() self.lookback = lookback self.lag = lag def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, selected] target.temp["stat"] = prc.calc_total_return() return True
[docs]class WeighEqually(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] by calculating equal weights for all items in selected. Equal weight Algo. Sets the 'weights' to 1/n for each item in 'selected'. Sets: * weights Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self): super(WeighEqually, self).__init__() def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] n = len(selected) if n == 0: target.temp["weights"] = {} else: w = 1.0 / n target.temp["weights"] = {x: w for x in selected} return True
[docs]class WeighSpecified(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on a provided dict of ticker:weights. Sets the weights based on pre-specified targets. Args: * weights (dict): target weights -> ticker: weight Sets: * weights """ def __init__(self, **weights): super(WeighSpecified, self).__init__() self.weights = weights def __call__(self, target): # added copy to make sure these are not overwritten target.temp["weights"] = self.weights.copy() return True
[docs]class ScaleWeights(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on a scaled version of itself. Useful for going short, or scaling up/down when using :class:`FixedIncomeStrategy <bt.core.FixedIncomeStrategy>`. Args: * scale (float): the scaling factor Sets: * weights Requires: * weights """ def __init__(self, scale): super(ScaleWeights, self).__init__() self.scale = scale def __call__(self, target): target.temp["weights"] = { k: self.scale * w for k, w in target.temp["weights"].items() } return True
[docs]class WeighTarget(Algo): """ Sets target weights based on a target weight DataFrame. If the target weight dataFrame is of same dimension as the target.universe, the portfolio will effectively be rebalanced on each period. For example, if we have daily data and the target DataFrame is of the same shape, we will have daily rebalancing. However, if we provide a target weight dataframe that has only month end dates, then rebalancing only occurs monthly. Basically, if a weight is provided on a given date, the target weights are set and the algo moves on (presumably to a Rebalance algo). If not, not target weights are set. Args: * weights (str|DataFrame): DataFrame containing the target weights If a string is passed, frame is accessed using target.get_data This is the preferred way of using the algo. Sets: * weights """ def __init__(self, weights): super(WeighTarget, self).__init__() if isinstance(weights, pd.DataFrame): self.weights_name = None self.weights = weights else: self.weights_name = weights self.weights = None def __call__(self, target): # get current target weights if self.weights_name is None: weights = self.weights else: weights = target.get_data(self.weights_name) if in weights.index: w = weights.loc[] # dropna and save target.temp["weights"] = w.dropna() return True else: return False
[docs]class WeighInvVol(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on the inverse volatility Algo. Sets the target weights based on ffn's calc_inv_vol_weights. This is a commonly used technique for risk parity portfolios. The least volatile elements receive the highest weight under this scheme. Weights are proportional to the inverse of their volatility. Args: * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for estimating volatility Sets: * weights Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0)): super(WeighInvVol, self).__init__() self.lookback = lookback self.lag = lag def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] if len(selected) == 0: target.temp["weights"] = {} return True if len(selected) == 1: target.temp["weights"] = {selected[0]: 1.0} return True t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, selected] tw = bt.ffn.calc_inv_vol_weights(prc.to_returns().dropna()) target.temp["weights"] = tw.dropna() return True
[docs]class WeighERC(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on equal risk contribution algorithm. Sets the target weights based on ffn's calc_erc_weights. This is an extension of the inverse volatility risk parity portfolio in which the correlation of asset returns is incorporated into the calculation of risk contribution of each asset. The resulting portfolio is similar to a minimum variance portfolio subject to a diversification constraint on the weights of its components and its volatility is located between those of the minimum variance and equally-weighted portfolios (Maillard 2008). See: Args: * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for estimating covariance * initial_weights (list): Starting asset weights [default inverse vol]. * risk_weights (list): Risk target weights [default equal weight]. * covar_method (str): method used to estimate the covariance. See ffn's calc_erc_weights for more details. (default ledoit-wolf). * risk_parity_method (str): Risk parity estimation method. see ffn's calc_erc_weights for more details. (default ccd). * maximum_iterations (int): Maximum iterations in iterative solutions (default 100). * tolerance (float): Tolerance level in iterative solutions (default 1E-8). Sets: * weights Requires: * selected """ def __init__( self, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), initial_weights=None, risk_weights=None, covar_method="ledoit-wolf", risk_parity_method="ccd", maximum_iterations=100, tolerance=1e-8, lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0), ): super(WeighERC, self).__init__() self.lookback = lookback self.initial_weights = initial_weights self.risk_weights = risk_weights self.covar_method = covar_method self.risk_parity_method = risk_parity_method self.maximum_iterations = maximum_iterations self.tolerance = tolerance self.lag = lag def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] if len(selected) == 0: target.temp["weights"] = {} return True if len(selected) == 1: target.temp["weights"] = {selected[0]: 1.0} return True t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, selected] tw = bt.ffn.calc_erc_weights( prc.to_returns().dropna(), initial_weights=self.initial_weights, risk_weights=self.risk_weights, covar_method=self.covar_method, risk_parity_method=self.risk_parity_method, maximum_iterations=self.maximum_iterations, tolerance=self.tolerance, ) target.temp["weights"] = tw.dropna() return True
[docs]class WeighMeanVar(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on mean-variance optimization. Sets the target weights based on ffn's calc_mean_var_weights. This is a Python implementation of Markowitz's mean-variance optimization. See: Args: * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for estimating volatility * bounds ((min, max)): tuple specifying the min and max weights for each asset in the optimization. * covar_method (str): method used to estimate the covariance. See ffn's calc_mean_var_weights for more details. * rf (float): risk-free rate used in optimization. Sets: * weights Requires: * selected """ def __init__( self, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), bounds=(0.0, 1.0), covar_method="ledoit-wolf", rf=0.0, lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0), ): super(WeighMeanVar, self).__init__() self.lookback = lookback self.lag = lag self.bounds = bounds self.covar_method = covar_method self.rf = rf def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] if len(selected) == 0: target.temp["weights"] = {} return True if len(selected) == 1: target.temp["weights"] = {selected[0]: 1.0} return True t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, selected] tw = bt.ffn.calc_mean_var_weights( prc.to_returns().dropna(), weight_bounds=self.bounds, covar_method=self.covar_method, rf=self.rf, ) target.temp["weights"] = tw.dropna() return True
[docs]class WeighRandomly(Algo): """ Sets temp['weights'] based on a random weight vector. Sets random target weights for each security in 'selected'. This is useful for benchmarking against a strategy where we believe the weighing algorithm is adding value. For example, if we are testing a low-vol strategy and we want to see if our weighing strategy is better than just weighing securities randomly, we could use this Algo to create a random Strategy used for random benchmarking. This is an Algo wrapper around ffn's random_weights function. Args: * bounds ((low, high)): Tuple including low and high bounds for each security * weight_sum (float): What should the weights sum up to? Sets: * weights Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), weight_sum=1): super(WeighRandomly, self).__init__() self.bounds = bounds self.weight_sum = weight_sum def __call__(self, target): sel = target.temp["selected"] n = len(sel) w = {} try: rw = bt.ffn.random_weights(n, self.bounds, self.weight_sum) w = dict(zip(sel, rw)) except ValueError: pass target.temp["weights"] = w return True
[docs]class LimitDeltas(Algo): """ Modifies temp['weights'] based on weight delta limits. Basically, this can be used if we want to restrict how much a security's target weight can change from day to day. Useful when we want to be more conservative about how much we could actually trade on a given day without affecting the market. For example, if we have a strategy that is currently long 100% one security, and the weighing Algo sets the new weight to 0%, but we use this Algo with a limit of 0.1, the new target weight will be 90% instead of 0%. Args: * limit (float, dict): Weight delta limit. If float, this will be a global limit for all securities. If dict, you may specify by-ticker limit. Sets: * weights Requires: * weights """ def __init__(self, limit=0.1): super(LimitDeltas, self).__init__() self.limit = limit # determine if global or specific self.global_limit = True if isinstance(limit, dict): self.global_limit = False def __call__(self, target): tw = target.temp["weights"] all_keys = set(list(target.children.keys()) + list(tw.keys())) for k in all_keys: tgt = tw[k] if k in tw else 0.0 cur = target.children[k].weight if k in target.children else 0.0 delta = tgt - cur # check if we need to limit if self.global_limit: if abs(delta) > self.limit: tw[k] = cur + (self.limit * np.sign(delta)) else: # make sure we have a limit defined in case of limit dict if k in self.limit: lmt = self.limit[k] if abs(delta) > lmt: tw[k] = cur + (lmt * np.sign(delta)) return True
[docs]class LimitWeights(Algo): """ Modifies temp['weights'] based on weight limits. This is an Algo wrapper around ffn's limit_weights. The purpose of this Algo is to limit the weight of any one specifc asset. For example, some Algos will set some rather extreme weights that may not be acceptable. Therefore, we can use this Algo to limit the extreme weights. The excess weight is then redistributed to the other assets, proportionally to their current weights. See ffn's limit_weights for more information. Args: * limit (float): Weight limit. Sets: * weights Requires: * weights """ def __init__(self, limit=0.1): super(LimitWeights, self).__init__() self.limit = limit def __call__(self, target): if "weights" not in target.temp: return True tw = target.temp["weights"] if len(tw) == 0: return True # if the limit < equal weight then set weights to 0 if self.limit < 1.0 / len(tw): tw = {} else: tw = bt.ffn.limit_weights(tw, self.limit) target.temp["weights"] = tw return True
[docs]class TargetVol(Algo): """ Updates temp['weights'] based on the target annualized volatility desired. Args: * target_volatility: annualized volatility to target * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for estimating volatility * lag (DateOffset): amount of time to wait to calculate the covariance * covar_method: method of calculating volatility * annualization_factor: number of periods to annualize by. It is assumed that target volatility is already annualized by this factor. Updates: * weights Requires: * temp['weights'] """ def __init__( self, target_volatility, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0), covar_method="standard", annualization_factor=252, ): super(TargetVol, self).__init__() self.target_volatility = target_volatility self.lookback = lookback self.lag = lag self.covar_method = covar_method self.annualization_factor = annualization_factor def __call__(self, target): current_weights = target.temp["weights"] selected = current_weights.keys() # if there were no weights already set then skip if len(selected) == 0: return True t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, selected] returns = bt.ffn.to_returns(prc) # calc covariance matrix if self.covar_method == "ledoit-wolf": covar = sklearn.covariance.ledoit_wolf(returns) elif self.covar_method == "standard": covar = returns.cov() else: raise NotImplementedError("covar_method not implemented") weights = pd.Series( [current_weights[x] for x in covar.columns], index=covar.columns ) vol = np.sqrt( np.matmul(weights.values.T, np.matmul(covar.values, weights.values)) * self.annualization_factor ) if isinstance(self.target_volatility, (float, int)): self.target_volatility = { k: self.target_volatility for k in target.temp["weights"].keys() } for k in target.temp["weights"].keys(): if k in self.target_volatility.keys(): target.temp["weights"][k] = ( target.temp["weights"][k] * self.target_volatility[k] / vol ) return True
[docs]class PTE_Rebalance(Algo): """ Triggers a rebalance when PTE from static weights is past a level. Args: * PTE_volatility_cap: annualized volatility to target * target_weights: dataframe of weights that needs to have the same index as the price dataframe * lookback (DateOffset): lookback period for estimating volatility * lag (DateOffset): amount of time to wait to calculate the covariance * covar_method: method of calculating volatility * annualization_factor: number of periods to annualize by. It is assumed that target volatility is already annualized by this factor. """ def __init__( self, PTE_volatility_cap, target_weights, lookback=pd.DateOffset(months=3), lag=pd.DateOffset(days=0), covar_method="standard", annualization_factor=252, ): super(PTE_Rebalance, self).__init__() self.PTE_volatility_cap = PTE_volatility_cap self.target_weights = target_weights self.lookback = lookback self.lag = lag self.covar_method = covar_method self.annualization_factor = annualization_factor def __call__(self, target): if is None: return False if target.positions.shape == (0, 0): return True positions = target.positions.loc[] if positions is None: return True prices = target.universe.loc[, positions.index] if prices is None: return True current_weights = positions * prices / target.value target_weights = self.target_weights.loc[, :] cols = list(current_weights.index.copy()) for c in target_weights.keys(): if c not in cols: cols.append(c) weights = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(cols)), index=cols) for c in cols: if c in current_weights: weights[c] = current_weights[c] if c in target_weights: weights[c] -= target_weights[c] t0 = - self.lag prc = target.universe.loc[t0 - self.lookback : t0, cols] returns = bt.ffn.to_returns(prc) # calc covariance matrix if self.covar_method == "ledoit-wolf": covar = sklearn.covariance.ledoit_wolf(returns) elif self.covar_method == "standard": covar = returns.cov() else: raise NotImplementedError("covar_method not implemented") PTE_vol = np.sqrt( np.matmul(weights.values.T, np.matmul(covar.values, weights.values)) * self.annualization_factor ) if pd.isnull(PTE_vol): return False # vol is too high if PTE_vol > self.PTE_volatility_cap: return True else: return False return True
[docs]class CapitalFlow(Algo): """ Used to model capital flows. Flows can either be inflows or outflows. This Algo can be used to model capital flows. For example, a pension fund might have inflows every month or year due to contributions. This Algo will affect the capital of the target node without affecting returns for the node. Since this is modeled as an adjustment, the capital will remain in the strategy until a re-allocation/rebalancement is made. Args: * amount (float): Amount of adjustment """ def __init__(self, amount): """ CapitalFlow constructor. Args: * amount (float): Amount to adjust by """ super(CapitalFlow, self).__init__() self.amount = float(amount) def __call__(self, target): target.adjust(self.amount) return True
[docs]class CloseDead(Algo): """ Closes all positions for which prices are equal to zero (we assume that these stocks are dead) and removes them from temp['weights'] if they enter it by any chance. To be called before Rebalance(). In a normal workflow it is not needed, as those securities will not be selected by SelectAll(include_no_data=False) or similar method, and Rebalance() closes positions that are not in temp['weights'] anyway. However in case when for some reasons include_no_data=False could not be used or some modified weighting method is used, CloseDead() will allow to avoid errors. Requires: * weights """ def __init__(self): super(CloseDead, self).__init__() def __call__(self, target): if "weights" not in target.temp: return True targets = target.temp["weights"] for c in target.children: if target.universe[c].loc[] <= 0: target.close(c) if c in targets: del targets[c] return True
[docs]class SetNotional(Algo): """ Sets the notional_value to use as the base for rebalancing for :class:`FixedIncomeStrategy <bt.core.FixedIncomeStrategy>` targets Args: * notional_value (str): Name of a pd.Series object containing the target notional values of the strategy over time. Sets: * notional_value """ def __init__(self, notional_value): self.notional_value = notional_value super(SetNotional, self).__init__() def __call__(self, target): notional_value = target.get_data(self.notional_value) if in notional_value.index: target.temp["notional_value"] = notional_value.loc[] return True else: return False
[docs]class Rebalance(Algo): """ Rebalances capital based on temp['weights'] Rebalances capital based on temp['weights']. Also closes positions if open but not in target_weights. This is typically the last Algo called once the target weights have been set. Requires: * weights * cash (optional): You can set a 'cash' value on temp. This should be a number between 0-1 and determines the amount of cash to set aside. For example, if cash=0.3, the strategy will allocate 70% of its value to the provided weights, and the remaining 30% will be kept in cash. If this value is not provided (default), the full value of the strategy is allocated to securities. * notional_value (optional): Required only for fixed_income targets. This is the base balue of total notional that will apply to the weights. """ def __init__(self): super(Rebalance, self).__init__() def __call__(self, target): if "weights" not in target.temp: return True targets = target.temp["weights"] # save value because it will change after each call to allocate # use it as base in rebalance calls # call it before de-allocation so that notional_value is correct if target.fixed_income: if "notional_value" in target.temp: base = target.temp["notional_value"] else: base = target.notional_value else: base = target.value # de-allocate children that are not in targets and have non-zero value # (open positions) for cname in target.children: # if this child is in our targets, we don't want to close it out if cname in targets: continue # get child and value c = target.children[cname] if target.fixed_income: v = c.notional_value else: v = c.value # if non-zero and non-null, we need to close it out if v != 0.0 and not np.isnan(v): target.close(cname, update=False) # If cash is set (it should be a value between 0-1 representing the # proportion of cash to keep), calculate the new 'base' if "cash" in target.temp and not target.fixed_income: base = base * (1 - target.temp["cash"]) # Turn off updating while we rebalance each child for item in targets.items(): target.rebalance(item[1], child=item[0], base=base, update=False) # Now update target.root.update( return True
[docs]class RebalanceOverTime(Algo): """ Similar to Rebalance but rebalances to target weight over n periods. Rebalances towards a target weight over a n periods. Splits up the weight delta over n periods. This can be useful if we want to make more conservative rebalacing assumptions. Some strategies can produce large swings in allocations. It might not be reasonable to assume that this rebalancing can occur at the end of one specific period. Therefore, this algo can be used to simulate rebalancing over n periods. This has typically been used in monthly strategies where we want to spread out the rebalancing over 5 or 10 days. Note: This Algo will require the run_always wrapper in the above case. For example, the RunMonthly will return True on the first day, and RebalanceOverTime will be 'armed'. However, RunMonthly will return False the rest days of the month. Therefore, we must specify that we want to always run this algo. Args: * n (int): number of periods over which rebalancing takes place. Requires: * weights """ def __init__(self, n=10): super(RebalanceOverTime, self).__init__() self.n = float(n) self._rb = Rebalance() self._weights = None self._days_left = None def __call__(self, target): # new weights specified - update rebalance data if "weights" in target.temp: self._weights = target.temp["weights"] self._days_left = self.n # if _weights are not None, we have some work to do if self._weights is not None: tgt = {} # scale delta relative to # of periods left and set that as the new # target for cname in self._weights.keys(): curr = ( target.children[cname].weight if cname in target.children else 0.0 ) dlt = (self._weights[cname] - curr) / self._days_left tgt[cname] = curr + dlt # mock weights and call real Rebalance target.temp["weights"] = tgt self._rb(target) # dec _days_left. If 0, set to None & set _weights to None self._days_left -= 1 if self._days_left == 0: self._days_left = None self._weights = None return True
[docs]class Require(Algo): """ Flow control Algo. This algo returns the value of a predicate on an temp entry. Useful for controlling flow. For example, we might want to make sure we have some items selected. We could pass a lambda function that checks the len of 'selected': pred=lambda x: len(x) == 0 item='selected' Args: * pred (Algo): Function that returns a Bool given the strategy. This is the definition of an Algo. However, this is typically used with a simple lambda function. * item (str): An item within temp. * if_none (bool): Result if the item required is not in temp or if it's value if None """ def __init__(self, pred, item, if_none=False): super(Require, self).__init__() self.item = item self.pred = pred self.if_none = if_none def __call__(self, target): if self.item not in target.temp: return self.if_none item = target.temp[self.item] if item is None: return self.if_none return self.pred(item)
[docs]class Not(Algo): """ Flow control Algo It is usful for "inverting" other flow control algos, For example Not( RunAfterDate(...) ), Not( RunAfterDays(...) ), etc Args: * list_of_algos (Algo): The algo to run and invert the return value of """ def __init__(self, algo): super(Not, self).__init__() self._algo = algo def __call__(self, target): return not self._algo(target)
[docs]class Or(Algo): """ Flow control Algo It useful for combining multiple signals into one signal. For example, we might want two different rebalance signals to work together: runOnDateAlgo = bt.algos.RunOnDate(pdf.index[0]) # where pdf.index[0] is the first date in our time series runMonthlyAlgo = bt.algos.RunMonthly() orAlgo = Or([runMonthlyAlgo,runOnDateAlgo]) orAlgo will return True if it is the first date or if it is 1st of the month Args: * list_of_algos: Iterable list of algos. Runs each algo and returns true if any algo returns true. """ def __init__(self, list_of_algos): super(Or, self).__init__() self._list_of_algos = list_of_algos return def __call__(self, target): res = False for algo in self._list_of_algos: tempRes = algo(target) res = res | tempRes return res
[docs]class SelectTypes(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on node type. If temp['selected'] is already set, it will filter the existing selection. Args: * include_types (list): Types of nodes to include * exclude_types (list): Types of nodes to exclude Sets: * selected """ def __init__(self, include_types=(bt.core.Node,), exclude_types=()): super(SelectTypes, self).__init__() self.include_types = include_types self.exclude_types = exclude_types or (type(None),) def __call__(self, target): selected = [ sec_name for sec_name, sec in target.children.items() if isinstance(sec, self.include_types) and not isinstance(sec, self.exclude_types) ] if "selected" in target.temp: selected = [s for s in selected if s in target.temp["selected"]] target.temp["selected"] = selected return True
[docs]class ClosePositionsAfterDates(Algo): """ Close positions on securities after a given date. This can be used to make sure positions on matured/redeemed securities are closed. It can also be used as part of a strategy to, i.e. make sure the strategy doesn't hold any securities with time to maturity less than a year Note that if placed after a RunPeriod algo in the stack, that the actual closing of positions will occur after the provided date. For this to work, the "price" of the security (even if matured) must exist up until that date. Alternatively, run this with the @run_always decorator to close the positions immediately. Also note that this algo does not operate using temp['weights'] and Rebalance. This is so that hedges (which are excluded from that workflow) will also be closed as necessary. Args: * close_dates (str): the name of a dataframe indexed by security name, with columns "date": the date after which we want to close the position ASAP Sets: * target.perm['closed'] : to keep track of which securities have already closed """ def __init__(self, close_dates): super(ClosePositionsAfterDates, self).__init__() self.close_dates = close_dates def __call__(self, target): if "closed" not in target.perm: target.perm["closed"] = set() close_dates = target.get_data(self.close_dates)["date"] # Find securities that are candidate for closing sec_names = [ sec_name for sec_name, sec in target.children.items() if isinstance(sec, SecurityBase) and sec_name in close_dates.index and sec_name not in target.perm["closed"] ] # Check whether closed is_closed = close_dates.loc[sec_names] <= # Close position for sec_name in is_closed[is_closed].index: target.close(sec_name, update=False) target.perm["closed"].add(sec_name) # Now update target.root.update( return True
[docs]class RollPositionsAfterDates(Algo): """ Roll securities based on the provided map. This can be used for any securities which have "On-The-Run" and "Off-The-Run" versions (treasury bonds, index swaps, etc). Also note that this algo does not operate using temp['weights'] and Rebalance. This is so that hedges (which are excluded from that workflow) will also be rolled as necessary. Args: * roll_data (str): the name of a dataframe indexed by security name, with columns - "date": the first date at which the roll can occur - "target": the security name we are rolling into - "factor": the conversion factor. One unit of the original security rolls into "factor" units of the new one. Sets: * target.perm['rolled'] : to keep track of which securities have already rolled """ def __init__(self, roll_data): super(RollPositionsAfterDates, self).__init__() self.roll_data = roll_data def __call__(self, target): if "rolled" not in target.perm: target.perm["rolled"] = set() roll_data = target.get_data(self.roll_data) transactions = {} # Find securities that are candidate for roll sec_names = [ sec_name for sec_name, sec in target.children.items() if isinstance(sec, SecurityBase) and sec_name in roll_data.index and sec_name not in target.perm["rolled"] ] # Calculate new transaction and close old position for sec_name, sec_fields in roll_data.loc[sec_names].iterrows(): if sec_fields["date"] <= target.perm["rolled"].add(sec_name) new_quantity = sec_fields["factor"] * target[sec_name].position new_sec = sec_fields["target"] if new_sec in transactions: transactions[new_sec] += new_quantity else: transactions[new_sec] = new_quantity target.close(sec_name, update=False) # Do all the new transactions at the end, to do any necessary aggregations first for new_sec, quantity in transactions.items(): target.transact(quantity, new_sec, update=False) # Now update target.root.update( return True
[docs]class SelectActive(Algo): """ Sets temp['selected'] based on filtering temp['selected'] to exclude those securities that have been closed or rolled after a certain date using ClosePositionsAfterDates or RollPositionsAfterDates. This makes sure not to select them again for weighting (even if they have prices). Requires: * selected * perm['closed'] or perm['rolled'] Sets: * selected """ def __call__(self, target): selected = target.temp["selected"] rolled = target.perm.get("rolled", set()) closed = target.perm.get("closed", set()) selected = [s for s in selected if s not in set.union(rolled, closed)] target.temp["selected"] = selected return True
[docs]class ReplayTransactions(Algo): """ Replay a list of transactions that were executed. This is useful for taking a blotter of actual trades that occurred, and measuring performance against hypothetical strategies. In particular, one can replay the outputs of backtest.Result.get_transactions Note that this allows the timestamps and prices of the reported transactions to be completely arbitrary, so while the strategy may track performance on a daily basis, it will accurately account for the actual PNL of the trades based on where they actually traded, and the bidofferpaid attribute on the strategy will capture the "slippage" as measured against the daily prices. Args: * transactions (str): name of a MultiIndex dataframe with format Date, Security | quantity, price. Note this schema follows the output of backtest.Result.get_transactions """ def __init__(self, transactions): super(ReplayTransactions, self).__init__() self.transactions = transactions def __call__(self, target): timeline = index = timeline.get_loc( end = if index == 0: start = pd.Timestamp.min else: start = timeline[index - 1] # Get the transactions since the last update all_transactions = target.get_data(self.transactions) timestamps = all_transactions.index.get_level_values("Date") transactions = all_transactions[(timestamps > start) & (timestamps <= end)] for (_, security), transaction in transactions.iterrows(): c = target[security] c.transact( transaction["quantity"], price=transaction["price"], update=False ) # Now update target.root.update( return True
[docs]class SimulateRFQTransactions(Algo): """ An algo that simulates the outcomes from RFQs (Request for Quote) using a "model" that determines which ones becomes transactions and at what price those transactions happen. This can be used from the perspective of the sender of the RFQ or the receiver. Args: * rfqs (str): name of a dataframe with columns Date, Security | quantity, *additional columns as required by model * model (object): a function/callable object with arguments - rfqs : data frame of rfqs to respond to - target : the strategy object, for access to position and value data and which returns a set of transactions, a MultiIndex DataFrame with: Date, Security | quantity, price """ def __init__(self, rfqs, model): super(SimulateRFQTransactions, self).__init__() self.rfqs = rfqs self.model = model def __call__(self, target): timeline = index = timeline.get_loc( end = if index == 0: start = pd.Timestamp.min else: start = timeline[index - 1] # Get the RFQs since the last update all_rfqs = target.get_data(self.rfqs) timestamps = all_rfqs.index.get_level_values("Date") rfqs = all_rfqs[(timestamps > start) & (timestamps <= end)] # Turn the RFQs into transactions transactions = self.model(rfqs, target) for (_, security), transaction in transactions.iterrows(): c = target[security] c.transact( transaction["quantity"], price=transaction["price"], update=False ) # Now update target.root.update( return True
def _get_unit_risk(security, data, index=None): try: unit_risks = data[security] unit_risk = unit_risks.values[index] except Exception: # No risk data, assume zero unit_risk = 0.0 return unit_risk
[docs]class UpdateRisk(Algo): """ Tracks a risk measure on all nodes of the strategy. To use this node, the ``additional_data`` argument on :class:`Backtest <bt.backtest.Backtest>` must have a "unit_risk" key. The value should be a dictionary, keyed by risk measure, of DataFrames with a column per security that is sensitive to that measure. Args: * name (str): the name of the risk measure (IR01, PVBP, IsIndustials, etc). The name must coincide with the keys of the dictionary passed to additional_data as the "unit_risk" argument. * history (int): The level of depth in the tree at which to track the time series of risk numbers. i.e. 0=no tracking, 1=first level only, etc. More levels is more expensive. Modifies: * The "risk" attribute on the target and all its children * If history==True, the "risks" attribute on the target and all its children """ def __init__(self, measure, history=0): super(UpdateRisk, self).__init__(name="UpdateRisk>%s" % measure) self.measure = measure self.history = history def _setup_risk(self, target, set_history): """Setup risk attributes on the node in question""" target.risk = {} if set_history: target.risks = pd.DataFrame( def _setup_measure(self, target, set_history): """Setup a risk measure within the risk attributes on the node in question""" target.risk[self.measure] = np.NaN if set_history: target.risks[self.measure] = np.NaN def _set_risk_recursive(self, target, depth, unit_risk_frame): set_history = depth < self.history # General setup of risk on nodes if not hasattr(target, "risk"): self._setup_risk(target, set_history) if self.measure not in target.risk: self._setup_measure(target, set_history) if isinstance(target, bt.core.SecurityBase): # Use as non-traded securities may not have been updated yet # and there is no need to update them here as we only use position index = unit_risk_frame.index.get_loc( unit_risk = _get_unit_risk(, unit_risk_frame, index) if is_zero(target.position): risk = 0.0 else: risk = unit_risk * target.position * target.multiplier else: risk = 0.0 for child in target.children.values(): self._set_risk_recursive(child, depth + 1, unit_risk_frame) risk += child.risk[self.measure] target.risk[self.measure] = risk if depth < self.history: target.risks.loc[, self.measure] = risk def __call__(self, target): unit_risk_frame = target.get_data("unit_risk")[self.measure] self._set_risk_recursive(target, 0, unit_risk_frame) return True
[docs]class PrintRisk(Algo): """ This Algo prints the risk data. Args: * fmt_string (str): A string that will later be formatted with the target object's risk attributes. Therefore, you should provide what you want to examine within curly braces ( { } ) If not provided, will print the entire dictionary with no formatting. """ def __init__(self, fmt_string=""): super(PrintRisk, self).__init__() self.fmt_string = fmt_string def __call__(self, target): if hasattr(target, "risk"): if self.fmt_string: print(self.fmt_string.format(**target.risk)) else: print(target.risk) return True
[docs]class HedgeRisks(Algo): """ Hedges risk measures with selected instruments. Make sure that the UpdateRisk algo has been called beforehand. Args: * measures (list): the names of the risk measures to hedge * pseudo (bool): whether to use the pseudo-inverse to compute the inverse Jacobian. If False, will fail if the number of selected instruments is not equal to the number of measures, or if the Jacobian is singular * strategy (StrategyBase): If provided, will hedge the risk from this strategy in addition to the risk from target. This is to allow separate tracking of hedged and unhedged performance. Note that risk_strategy must occur earlier than 'target' in a depth-first traversal of the children of the root, otherwise hedging will occur before positions of risk_strategy are updated. * throw_nan (bool): Whether to throw on nan hedge notionals, rather than simply not hedging. Requires: * selected """ def __init__(self, measures, pseudo=False, strategy=None, throw_nan=True): super(HedgeRisks, self).__init__() if len(measures) == 0: raise ValueError("Must pass in at least one measure to hedge") self.measures = measures self.pseudo = pseudo self.strategy = strategy self.throw_nan = throw_nan def _get_target_risk(self, target, measure): if not hasattr(target, "risk"): raise ValueError("risk not set up on target %s" % if measure not in target.risk: raise ValueError("measure %s not set on target %s" % (measure, return target.risk[measure] def __call__(self, target): securities = target.temp["selected"] # Get target risk target_risk = np.array( [self._get_target_risk(target, m) for m in self.measures] ) if self.strategy is not None: # Add the target risk of the strategy to the risk of the target # (which contains existing hedges) target_risk += np.array( [self._get_target_risk(self.strategy, m) for m in self.measures] ) # Turn target_risk into a column array target_risk = target_risk.reshape(len(self.measures), 1) # Get hedge risk as a Jacobian matrix data = [] for m in self.measures: d = target.get_data("unit_risk").get(m) if d is None: raise ValueError( "unit_risk for %s not present in temp on %s" % (self.measure, ) i = d.index.get_loc( data.append((i, d)) hedge_risk = np.array( [[_get_unit_risk(s, d, i) for (i, d) in data] for s in securities] ) # Get hedge ratios if self.pseudo: inv = np.linalg.pinv(hedge_risk).T else: inv = np.linalg.inv(hedge_risk).T notionals = np.matmul(inv, -target_risk).flatten() # Hedge for notional, security in zip(notionals, securities): if np.isnan(notional) and self.throw_nan: raise ValueError("%s has nan hedge notional" % security) target.transact(notional, security) return True