klink - A Simple & Clean Sphinx Theme¶
Klink is a simple and clean theme for creating Sphinx docs. It is heavily inspired by the beautiful jrnl theme. It also supports embedding IPython Notebooks which can be mighty useful.
Here are the theme options. They should be added to the html_theme_options in your conf.py file.
- github
The github address of the project. The format is name/project (pmorissette/klink).
- logo
The logo file. Assumed to be in the _static dir. Default is logo.png. The logo should be 150x150.
- analytics_id
Your Google Analytics id (usually starts with UA-...)
IPython Notebook Integration¶
With the klink helper function convert_notebooks()
, all notebooks will be
converted to .rst so that they can be included in your docs. This includes all
output including images. It’s a very convenient way to create Python docs!
All you have to do is create notebooks within your source directory (same directory as your conf.py file). Then, you add a call to klink.convert_notebooks() in your conf.py. You can also mix in Mardown cells or Raw NBConvert cells in your workbook. These will be converted to rst as well.
If you use the Raw NBConvert type cells, add a blank line at the start. There seems to be a bug in the rst conversion and if the cell does not begin with a blank line, you may run into some issues.
Using a Raw NBConvert cell with rst text inside is convenient, especially if you want to have links to other parts of your Sphinx docs.
Do not name your Notebooks with the same name as another reST file in your source directory as the file will be overwritten when calling convert_notebooks.
A Quick Example¶
Here is a quick example of what it looks like. I am writing this in my notebook file by the way (using a Mardown cell).
Here is some code + output:
# have to comment out the magic IPython functions because of a bug
#%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
print np.random.randn(20)
[-0.81256785 -1.16630768 0.27555802 0.57729188 -0.64691411 0.62288591
0.27943851 0.10512695 0.23808598 -1.45293996 -0.24394825 -0.14631097
1.56377514 -0.87629984 1.64059433 -0.10259616 0.84435183 0.11718899
-0.66617413 -0.81800771]
<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f28246381d0>
Raw NBConvert Cells¶
In addition to markdown cells, you may also use Raw NBConvert cells. This allows you to input reST directly in your notebook. It won’t look as pretty in the notebook itself, but will work great for your docs. Special reST and Sphinx markup will work within a Raw NBConvert (link, code markup, etc.).
By the way, convert_notebooks
basically calls:
ipython nbconvert --to rst
on all the notebooks it finds. It also handles special cases and adds special css classes for display formatting purposes. If you plan on using IPython Notebook integration, you will need an up-to-date version of pandoc for this to work properly.